Answers to Prayer!

My mother, Linda, and I returned from Kenya a few weeks ago and we have good news to share with you! This was the first time I had returned to Tharaka since I was 19 years old and I was amazed at the changes that have taken place since I was there with my parents. I was excited to see how Each One Feed One in Tharaka has grown into a thriving community with many new buildings and many lives positively affected through years of hard work and generosity of friends like you.

During our visit, we found that several children had made great improvements while under the care of EOFO in Tharaka. 5 year old Baraka, who had been unable to communicate on my mother’s previous visits, introduced himself to us by saying “I am Baraka”. Then we saw Lillian, who is 3 years old and who had been unable to walk, is now walking. Jacqueline with her sweet smile, is making great progress too. Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer!

Eleven of our children have now graduated and moved onto the Mully Children’s Family High School in Ndalani and Yatta about six hours from Tharaka. We are so proud of their accomplishments to move the next level in their education. We were able to go to visit MCF in Ndlani and were so impressed with the great opportunities for our children there. Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer!

Some of you probably heard about the swarm of locusts that were devastating crops across parts of Kenya. The staff prayed every night that the locusts would not come near the compound and destroy the crops and trees at EOFO. It truly was a miracle that the locusts only came within a kilometer of the compound and moved on. Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer!

We are praying now that the Corona Virus/COVID 19 does not spread across Kenya. Our staff have put extra practices in place to ensure the children are practicing good hygiene to prevent the spread of this deadly disease. Needless to say, the impact of a disease such as this would have a devastating effect on a rural community like Tharaka.

Please join us in prayer for each of the EOFO children, for their health and safety during these very difficult times.

Thank you for sacrificially giving to EOFO!

Jeff McCarter

EOFO Board Chairman